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All About Yeast
Benefits of Probiotics
Candida Facts
Digestion and Digestive Issues
General Health Info
Importance of Oxygen
Archive of older articles

Digestion and Digestive Issues

  • Are holiday digestive woes unavoidable?   [expand title="Details"] From Thanksgiving through the following 5 weeks, large meals and sweet, rich treats may fill our lives. Unfortunately, gastrointestinal discomfort may accompany our overindulgence. Ever considered a probiotic? [/expand]
  • 5 most common digestive problems   [expand title="Details"] Millions of Americans suffer from some type of digestive disorder every year. The good news is that treatment often involves making some simple lifestyle changes combined with OTC medications. [/expand]
  • How digestion affects sleep   [expand title="Details"] Wondering why your sleep is constantly interrupted? Studies have shown nausea, acid reflux and heartburn adversely affect the quality of sleep. [/expand]
  • Think you gut is unhealthy? Here are the top 3 signs   [expand title="Details"] Studies have demonstrated a powerful link between gut health and your overall mental and physical health. An imbalance in the flora in your gut can cause various health problems. [/expand]
  • Trying to figure out what is causing your upset stomach?   [expand title="Details"] There are number of reasons why you could be suffering from the symptoms of indigestion or an upset stomach. The food that you eat, what you drink, your lifestyle, and the medications that you take are all possible causes of indigestion. However, your symptoms could be a sign of a medical issue. So, you need to determine the cause before you can treat it. [/expand]
  • What are the best supplements for indigestion?   [expand title="Details"] Indigestion is a term that’s used to describe a feeling of fullness or discomfort in your stomach during or after a meal. It’s not an actual medical condition, but is usually a sign of an underlying problem. GERD or acid reflux is often the cause of indigestion. Although many people are prescribe medications to treat GERD, some health experts believe that a better solution may come from natural supplements. [/expand]
  • There are many ways to get good bacteria in your gut   [expand title="Details"] By making some changes to your daily diet, you can improve the health of your digestive tract by improving the good bacteria in your gut. Adding a high quality probiotic supplement to your daily routine can also go a very long way to maintain the balance of your gut microflora. [/expand]
  • Taking Bacillus Coagulans for digestive health   [expand title="Details"] Bacillus Coagulans is a probiotic that helps to support and maintain a healthy digestive system by restoring the balance between good vs bad bacteria. Bacillus Coagulans has been used to treat infectious and antibiotic-induced diarrhea and other digestive issues such as IBS and Crohn’s disease. [/expand]
  • Active Digestive Enzymes for good digestion   [expand title="Details"]The majority of digestive problems are the result of bacterial imbalances in your digestive tract or reduced levels of digestive enzymes needed in the process of digestion. If your body isn’t producing enough digestive enzymes, it won’t be able to absorb a sufficient amount of nutrients from the foods that you eat. [/expand]
  • How ThreeLac improves your digestive health   [expand title="Details"]Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast found in your digestive tract. These intestinal flora have important impacts on your health – protection from disease-causing organisms, support for your immune system, helping to extract energy from the food that you eat. When the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria is upset, damage can be done to the gut, resulting in “leaky gut” syndrome.[/expand]
  • Natural remedies for your stomach ache   [expand title="Details"]Most of the time, a stomach ache is a minor nuisance that usually results from the food that you’ve eaten. Spicy foods, acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits, caffeine, and chocolate are just a few of the “offending” foods. Natural remedies can often be used to successfully get over the effects of an upset stomach. Adding digestive supplements on a daily basis may also prevent an upset stomach before it starts. [/expand]
  • Taking healthy digestive enzymes   [expand title="Details"]In today’s fast-paced society, more and more people are relying on prepared foods as substitutes for the traditional homecooked meal. Unfortunately, a lot of these prepackaged, processed foods contain preservatives, artificial flavors, and coloring, all of which are hard on your digestive system. Additionally, many of these foods are high in sugars and fats which many people have trouble digesting along with lactose in dairy products. Adding healthy digestive enzymes to your daily routine can help your digestive system breakdown and absorb lots of different food types. [/expand]
  • OTC Digestive Supplements   [expand title="Details"]Digestive enzymes are essential for better digestion and absorption of nutrients. The function of digestive supplements is to mimic the effects of your body’s naturally-occurring digestive enzymes. Over-the-counter digestive supplements can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription, and more and more people are taking digestive enzymes to help ease digestive issues such as lactose intolerance, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome. But, it’s important to remember that not all OTC digestive supplements are created equal! Some contain impurities or additives that can lead to unwanted side effects. [/expand]
  • Good digestion is critical to your health   [expand title="Details"]Improving the function of your digestive system is one of the most important steps you can take towards improving your overall health. An important relationship exists between your digestive tract and your body’s immune system. Your body is exposed to a whole host of different disease-causing organisms every day as food is being digested and absorbed. Your immune system works in concert with the digestive system to protect you from potential infections. Maintaining a healthy digestive system has a direct impact on your ability to fight off viruses and infections. [/expand]
  • Is your stomach actually your second brain?   [expand title="Details"]Research has shown a connection between your nervous and digestive systems. Messages are being sent continually between the brain and the gut, so it should come as no surprise that there are strong connections between your gut health and that of your brain. When the delicate balance of microbiota in the digestive system is upset, it can also have an affect on your mood. [/expand]
  • Stop stomach aches naturally   [expand title="Details"]At some point in your life, you’re going have a stomach ache. The stomach pain that you experience can be a mildly irritating dull ache to severe cramping or intermittent sharp pains. But, in many cases, you can use simple remedies to stop stomach aches naturally, get rid of the pain, and enjoy your meals once again. [/expand]


General Health Info

  • Improving global health for the greater good   [expand title="Details"] Take action and choose areas you are passionate about and learn how they impact your community. Then make small adjustments to your lifestyle to begin to contribute to the greater good.[/expand]
  • New Years Resolution? Nah. Make a New DECADE Resolution!   [expand title="Details"]Take the top resolutions, combine them and go for a longer, healthier, happier life.[/expand]
  • Surviving the holiday excesses   [expand title="Details"]Once again, the holidays are upon us. And, while it can be a lovely, fun-filled time of the year spent with family and, friends it can also take a toll on your health.[/expand]
  • Celebrity health tricks that actually work   [expand title="Details"]Tips from celebrities that aren’t gimmicks. Hollywood diets are notorious for being full of gimmicks and poor advice. Here’s a practical list with some celebrity insights to help you reach your goal.[/expand]
  • Supplements to keep your heart healthy   [expand title="Details"]To support and maintain a healthy heart, it’s essential that you keep your overall cholesterol level and your heart rate within the appropriate range. To do this, you need to pay attention to your activity levels, reduce stress, and focus on eating a healthy diet that provides all of the nutrients you need to reach your goal. Your diet should include a lot of plant-based foods because they contain fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals which are important in lowering cholesterol. [/expand]
  • Natural remedies for acne   [expand title="Details"]Chronic acne can affect people at any age, especially women who are undergoing hormonal changes during menopause. No matter what your age, chronic acne is frustrating to deal with and has a negative effect on your self-image. However, treating acne at the “skin level” alone may not provide long term effects if there are other health problems. [/expand]
  • Taking supplements to make weight loss easier   [expand title="Details"]If you’ve been actively trying to lose weight, but haven’t been successful, you may be chalking it up to a change in the way that your body is metabolizing calories. However, it could be related to an unhealthy digestive tract, specifically having too much yeast in your body.[/expand]
  • Foods that can improve your vaginal health   [expand title="Details"]Eating a healthy, nutritious diet and staying hydrated are the keys to, not only supporting and maintaining your overall health, but also your vaginal and reproductive health. There are certain foods and drinks that can help to improve vaginal health and may also aid in the prevention of bacterial and yeast infections. [/expand]
  • Supplements for a meat heavy diet   [expand title="Details"]Recent studies have concluded that eating a diet low in carbohydrates but high in protein can provide a variety of health benefits including weight loss, an increase in lean muscle mass, a decrease in body fat, lower cholesterol levels, and more. Adding a digestive enzyme supplement to your daily routine could help to break down the added meat in your diet and prevent unpleasant consequences such as constipation. [/expand]
  • Signs of flora imbalance   [expand title="Details"]A floral imbalance occurs when the balance between your “good” gut bacteria vs the “bad” gut bacteria is upset. Symptoms that your digestive system is out of whack include digestive issues such as diarrhea, gas, and acid reflux. But, a floral imbalance can also be associated with other medical issues such as depression and anxiety as well as skin conditions such as eczema and mild skin rashes. [/expand]

Importance of Oxygen

  • Increase your body’s oxygen levels naturally   [expand title="Details"]A decrease in oxygenation can have a negative effect on strength and endurance during exercise and other athletic activities. Some causes of oxygen depletion may be the result of air pollution, poor air quality, or the chemicals used in processed foods. [/expand]
  • How oxygen depletion affects you   [expand title="Details"] Oxygen is necessary to support and maintain good health. When the amount of dissolved oxygen in your bloodstream starts to decrease, in can lead to the symptoms of oxygen deficiency or “hypoxia”. Fatigue, memory loss, lack of concentration, irritability, and overall weakness are just some of the symptoms that can arise from hypoxia. [/expand]


All About Yeast

  • Recurring sinus infection with no sign(us) of end in sight?   [expand title="Details"] Reduced bacteria that produces lactic acid could be a contributor to that chronic sinus infection driving you crazy. How do you restore helpful bacteria? [/expand]
  • How to know if your yeast infection is going away?   [expand title="Details"] Yeast infections can result in symptoms that can vary from making you slightly uncomfortable to downright miserable. How long can you expect to live with the symptoms?[/expand]
  • What to do if you have an overabundance of yeast in your system   [expand title="Details"]Candida albicans, the yeast that naturally occurs in your body, is needed for healthy digestion. But, if Candida starts to overproduce, it can result in a number of health issues. [/expand]
  • Foods with high yeast content   [expand title="Details"] If you think you’ve developed a yeast intolerance, avoiding foods with a high yeast content is one way to see if there’s a reduction in your symptoms. [/expand]
  • Does eating too much yeast cause infections?   [expand title="Details"] Good news for all of you bread lovers! Eating too much yeast is not a cause of yeast infections. Although the yeast used in baking and the yeast that cause infections are both types of fungi, that’s where the similarities end. [/expand]
  • Good yeast vs bad yeast   [expand title="Details"]When you hear the words “yeast” or “bacteria”, you immediately think of disease causing organisms. But, your body relies on beneficial species of these organisms to maintain a healthy balance in your digestive tract to keep it running smoothly. [/expand]
  • Fight yeast infections naturally   [expand title="Details"] The yeast, Candida albicans, grows naturally in your body. It’s normally kept in check by beneficial microflora in your gut, but when this microflora is out of balance, Candida growth can go unchecked. This can result in a yeast infection and other health issues. Taking a daily probiotic can help control Candida overgrowth. [/expand]
  • Breaking up a yeast infection naturally   [expand title="Details"] Candida albicans, a type of yeast, exists normally in the human gut and usually causes no health problems. However, overgrowth can result in yeast infections. While your body normally produces enzymes that can break down the cell walls of yeast, when your immune system is weakened there is a decrease in their production. Adding a supplement containing these beneficial enzymes can help your body’s ability to fight off yeast infections. [/expand]
  • Foods that produce yeast in the body   [expand title="Details"] Your body contains a huge number of microbes which are necessary for good health. When they’re in balance, they don’t cause any problems. However, when the growth of a population of bacteria or yeast gets out of control, you can start to have symptoms such as headaches, digestive discomfort, fatigue, and issues with your weight. Your diet may be the culprit. [/expand]
  • The effects of too much yeast in the body   [expand title="Details"] Everyone has a small amount of a fungus called Candida in their intestinal tract. Under normal circumstances, it helps with the digestive process and doesn’t cause any problems. However, an overgrowth of yeast causes a condition known as “candidiasis” which can have negative effects on your overall health. [/expand]


Benefits of Probiotics

  • How do probiotics help with digestion?   [expand title="Details"] Increasingly popular, probiotic bacteria ingredient has been added to many food products due to their undeniable health benefits. Help your body protect itself from infections by maintaining bacteria equilibrium naturally. [/expand]
  • Is there a supplement that can beat dry skin for good?   [expand title="Details"] Have you tried all types of creams and lotions for your skin with no resolve? Turns out your internal health could be affecting your external health…[/expand]
  • Is all of the probiotic hype worth listening to?   [expand title="Details"]Probiotics have become very popular with consumers, and not just health conscious individuals. From yogurt to probiotic supplements, they’re making their way into the diet of many people because of the health benefits they provide. [/expand]
  • Are your probiotic supplements working?   [expand title="Details"]The goal of taking probiotics is to promote a healthier environment in your gut which, in turn, can lead to positive changes in other parts of your body. But, it’s important to keep in mind that not all probiotics are created equal. Therefore, you need to know how to tell whether or not your probiotic is working or not. [/expand]
  • Probiotics vs. Digestive enzymes – what’s the difference?   [expand title="Details"]Bloating, constipation or diarrhea, or indigestion are all signs of potential problems with your digestive health. Taking probiotics and digestive enzymes can help to decrease digestive problems by improving the health of your digestive tract. [/expand]
  • FiveLac and the benefits of probiotics   [expand title="Details"] You have hundreds of different strains of bacteria in your body. Many beneficial varieties live in the lining of your intestinal tract — intestinal flora — and are necessary to maintain a healthy, functioning digestive system. When the balance between this “good” bacteria and harmful microbes is upset, your digestive health can suffer. [/expand]
  • Reasons to take ThreeLac   [expand title="Details"] Adding a probiotic to your daily routine can help to fight off a Candida infection as well as help to prevent it from recurring. [/expand]
  • Bad bacteria gives good bacteria a bad name   [expand title="Details"] Human beings are literally filled with bacteria which is completely normal. Bacteria is found on your skin, in your digestive tract, mouth, colon, and other areas of the body. Problems occur when the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria are out of balance. When this occurs, people can experience frequent yeast infections, itchy rashes, and digestive problems. [/expand]
  • Lactaid not working?   [expand title="Details"] If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you’ve probably been taking Lactaid to deal with your digestive issues. But what if it’s not working?[/expand]
  • Can probiotics help with acne?   [expand title="Details"] For years, dermatologists have been studying different treatments for acne. Currently, the treatments include oral and topical antibiotics to kill acne-causing bacteria. But recent studies indicate a promising connection between the use of probiotics and the treatment of acne.[/expand]


Candida Facts

  • What can you eat on the Anti Candida Diet?   [expand title="Details"] Candida is a type of fungus that occurs naturally in your body. While most are harmless and actually may be beneficial, a few types, such as Candida albicans, can grow and proliferate beyond safe numbers and cause painful yeast infections. [/expand]
  • What’s the problem with Candida?   [expand title="Details"] Warning signs if you have Candida overgrowth and what you can do about it. [/expand]
  • Signs that you have Candida overgrowth   [expand title="Details"] The human digestive system in home to a large variety of microflora — bacteria, fungi, and other microbes — that help to promote healthy digestion and support and maintain a healthy immune system. If this delicate balance is disrupted, it can have a negative effect on your overall health. [/expand]
  • How can you tell if you have Candida?   [expand title="Details"] Candida is a type of fungus that occurs naturally in your mouth, digestive tract, skin, and other mucous membranes of your body. In small amounts, it aids with digestion and nutrient absorption in your digestive tract. But, when a change in your body causes an overproduction, it can cause a problem known as “leaky gut syndrome”, and can result in many health problems. [/expand]
  • Got Candida? You’re not alone   [expand title="Details"] It’s estimated that 70% of people have Candida growth in their mouths, skin, or in their intestines. Most of the time this naturally-occurring fungus causes no problems. But, when your natural resistance to its overgrowth is compromised, that can lead to “candidiasis moniliasis”, more commonly known as a yeast infection. Your microbial balance can be thrown off by such factors as pregnancy, diabetes, antibiotics, or a compromised immune system due to chemotherapy or steroids.[/expand]


Archive of older articles

  • Where to buy ThreeLac   [expand title="Details"]In order to operate efficiently, your intestinal tract needs to maintain a balance between "good" vs "bad" flora. When this balance is disrupted, in can result in an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a type of yeast that causes a variety of health issues such as thrush. Probiotics help to keep you intestinal flora in balance. [/expand]
  • What is the best probiotic in 2019?   [expand title="Details"] Concerned about your digestive health? Probiotic supplements may be the answer for you. Threelac, the # 1 probiotic for 2019, has been proven to help with digestive imbalances. [/expand]
  • Your body isn’t digesting fats like it used to…   [expand title="Details"]It’s a fact of life — as you age, your body starts to slow down. Some obvious signs are having less energy and a reduction in your strength and athletic abilities. Less obvious is the functional slowing of your internal organs such as your liver. The liver produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder and is important in fat digestion. As you age, the liver has a harder time processing fats, bile sits unprocessed in the gallbladder. The result? Gallstones may develop. [/expand]
  • Prevent microbial infections naturally   [expand title="Details"]Bacteria are one-celled organisms that can live and thrive in every environment found on our planet, including the human body. The majority of bacteria are harmless and many strains are actually beneficial in nature, especially those that live in the digestive tract and aid in the digestive process. When the immune system is weakened, harmful bacteria can begin to multiply, and this can result in bacterial infections. [/expand]
  • Supplements for people with acid reflux   [expand title="Details"]If you suffer from chronic acid reflux, you know firsthand how it effects the quality of your everyday life. Lifestyle can play an important role in the development of acid reflux — eating spicy foods, large meals, too much stress, being overweight. Making lifestyle changes can help to reduce acid reflux, but it may be time to add a daily supplement for acid reflux control to your daily routine. [/expand]
  • What is first milk?   [expand title="Details"]“First milk” or colostrum, produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and in the first few days following birth, is packed with essential nutrients — proteins and carbohydrates — as well as antibodies to protect newborns from viruses. But, taken as a supplement, it may also help to strengthen your body’s immune system as well as aid in the process of building and repairing bone and muscle tissue. [/expand]
  • Steps to prevent osteoporosis in Asian women   [expand title="Details"]Osteoporosis is a condition that affects your bones, making them less dense over time and more likely to fractures. Studies have shown that Asian women have an increased risk for developing osteoporosis in part because of the high incidence of lactose intolerance in the Asian population, as a whole. Getting adequate amounts of calcium from dairy products is not a good option. [/expand]
  • Colostrum Plus can help build tissue, repair bone and muscle   [expand title="Details"]Colostrum, or “first milk”, is produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy up through the first few days after birth. It is naturally high in proteins and carbohydrates but is low in fat. It may be an important factor in assisting with tissue building and muscle and bone repair as well as promoting a healthy immune system. [/expand]
  • Complete probiotic with urinary tract support   [expand title="Details"]Due to the unique physiology of their urogenital tract, women are prone to developing urinary tract infections. Cranberries have long been known to prevent and reduce the effects of UTI’s. Another factor in helping to prevent infections is to maintain the healthy flora or bacteria found in the urogenital tract through the use of probiotics. [/expand]
  • Natural supplements for gallbladder function   [expand title="Details"]The gallbladder plays an important role in supporting and promoting healthy digestion. Its job is to breakdown fat so that it can be absorbed in the small intestine. It’s also important for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins — K, D, E, and A. [/expand]

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